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- Includes realistic navigation features showing everything from shaded depth contours and coastlines to spot soundings, navaids, port plans, wrecks, obstructions, intertidal zones, restricted areas, IALA symbols and more. - Features smooth displays, including seamless transitions between zoom levels and more continuity across chart boundaries. - Includes high-resolution satellite imagery, when overlaid on the chart, provides the mariner with a realistic view of the land and water for unparalleled situational awareness. - Features aerial “real world” photos of ports, harbors, marinas, waterways, navigational landmarks and other points of interest, offering the mariner another powerful tool for navigating unfamiliar waters. - Includes Auto Guidance technology that searches chart data - tides, currents, marine services, coastal roads and points of interest - to suggest the best passage to a destination. - Offers MarinerEye view 3-D perspective, providing a bird's eye view from behind the boat showing the chart information for a quick, reliable and easy position fix. - Offers FishEye view 3-D perspective, providing an underwater view that visually represents the sea floor according to the chart's information. - Provides Safety Shading (in compatible units), allowing mariners to enable contour shading for all depth contours shallower than user-defined safe depths. - Provides Fishing Charts (in compatible units), allowing mariners to scope out bottom contours and depth soundings with less visual clutter on the display. - Allows users to conveniently plan and organize routes, from your computer, before your trip with HomePort™, compatible trip-planning software (sold separately).
Geografische Abdeckung
Aland - Vyborg
Minimum Prozessor
Intel, PowerPC G4
Min. benötigter RAM
1024 MB
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Hvorfor oplever jeg at den umiddelbart samme vare findes på forskellige varenumre?
Producenterne udgiver ofte den samme vare med forskellige varenumre, typisk handler det udelukkende om forskellige versioner af emballagen. Eksempelvis kan emballagen være målrettet forskellige lande.
Vi forsøger bedst muligt at samle varerne, men det kan opleves at den samme vare figurerer på forskellige varenumre i vores system.